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Canadian Language Center:

Teaching English Through Art (Summer Camp) 

C A T A   T e a c h i n g  E x p e r i e n c e 

(Word-to-Picture / Picture-to-Word)

One way that I have found effective is to have students learn English through drawing. Children of all ages love to create things.


One of the art form I use is very easy to do and can be adapted for most ages. It is having my students to use drawing to learn vocabulary and grammar. I let them draw whatever they like, such as animals, colours, sports, food, countries and so on

2014 Saturday Art Studio

Theory Meets Practice at the Gallery 

2013 Saturday Art Studio

During Saturday Art, first-grade students were engaged inexploration, inquiry and investigation of materials, themes, historical influences, contemporary art practices, and interpretation.  

For more information about Saturday Art Program:

Against The Grain Scholar Students: Wordplay 

Copy of the lesson plan:

Volunteering with ATGS had been like a school of life; I discovered a another side of world I didn’t know existed. Honestly, Part of my journey started there, a journey of learning and discovery, a journey full of hope and happiness that has shaped who I am today. Volunteering allowed me to meet different kids who have made me believe in myself. Working with ATGS kids have taught me to believe in others, learn from others and work with others.

Cincinnati Art Technology Center

 At CATC in Cincinnati, I have worked with students (ages 12 to 16) on a project called "Hero's Journey". During that time, I have witnessed firsthand how invaluable the experience of working with clay is for sensory development, motor skills, self esteem, and self expression, problem solving skills and discipline. 

Sycamore High School : Photography Critique 

“When I photograph, what I'm really doing is seeking answers to things”

-Wynn Bullock

Copy of the lesson plan:

Thinking Through Aesthetics

"Just about anything can be an art" -Stewart

Copy of the lesson plan:

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